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October 8th Church Update

"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:9)

This is our worship theme for this weekend - a reminder that whatever your circumstances, God seeks to fill us with joy.


We are resuming in-person worship this weekend (6:30pm tonight/10am Sunday). Masks are requires, temperatures will be checked, and we ask that you honor safe physical distancing. For those who are not yet comfortable being out in crowds we will continue to live-stream our Sunday worship.

I have attached our announcements for the week. Please note the new address and request for a card shower for Alvin Shelley. He will turn 90 years old next week!

That's it for now. I hope everyone is well and stay safe!


Pastor Wayne

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Address:  29 Chapel St., Monroeville, OH 44847

Phone: (419) 465-2165


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