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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin

May 18th Meditation

I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being. -Psalm 104:33

Outside my window, it seems as if the season of spring is bursting in songs of praise to God. The trees are leaving out in a vibrant green. The flowers are blooming. Birds are singing. This morning, there are four rabbits munching grass and darting around the yard. I used to only see one or two rabbits out there, but it seems they have been multiplying like rabbits! Even the buzzards on the water tower, spreading their wings to take in the warm morning sun set against the clear blue sky, declare the glory of their Creator.

Okay, maybe the buzzards are a bit of a reach when one thinks of songs of praise to God, but why not? They are as much a part of God's creation as the cute and fuzzy bunnies darting around the yard. They live and breathe and display the miracle of life. Sure, eagles seem more majestic. Goldfinches and orioles are prettier to look at. But the buzzards tell of the glory of God, too.

Perhaps we limit ourselves when we think the only way we can "sing praises" to our God is by raising our voices in song declaring the wonders of God. Are we not also singing to God when we love one another, show compassion for one another, and treat each other with kindness? Are we not praising God as we work together to solve the problems of the world or ease the suffering of another? Is not simply being the person God made us to be, working, loving, finding joy all around us, also a song of praise?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

Going for a run, cooking dinner, even writing my weekly meditation, these are all as much my songs of praise to God as quiet time in prayer or Sunday morning worship. We not only sing praise to God while we have being. We sing praise to God with all our being.

For those who can carry a tune, by all means SING your praises to God. Sing songs of joy and peace and glory for all the world to hear. But for those of us whose singing sounds more like screeching buzzards, know that we can "sing" our praise in other ways. May everything we do be our song of praise to the glory of God, our Creator!

Now I am going to sing praise to God by watching these bunnies!

Worship This Week

Sunday, 10am, in the sanctuary & Facebook Live

If you join us in-person, you must wear a mask and follow safe distancing.

If you are not well or have been exposed to someone with the corona virus, please watch from home.

Summer Worship

Begins June 6, 9:00am in the Peace Garden

In case of rain worship will be in the sanctuary

Keep In Prayer:

Janet Santana, Rick Graham, Marvin Homan, Sherry Williams, Sherry's friend Cheryl, Mary Wallen, Dee Kuhlman,

Kathy Sanders' (her mother and brother have both passed away)

Our shut-ins: Kate Shelley, Dot Ann Smith, Nora Smith, Helen Payne, Bernie Reynolds

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