Weekly Meditation
Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old.
I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? - Isaiah 43:18
In the fall of 1989, the wall separating East and West Germany fell. You may remember images of happy Germans dancing on the wall, celebrating the fall of this symbol of division between the two nations.
At the time, I was living in West Germany completing my student teaching at the International School of Dusseldorf. One afternoon in late November I was on a train and struck up a conversation with a middle-aged man sitting next to me (who spoke fluent English fortunately). I asked him if he thought the two Germany's would unite any time soon. He told me he would love to see that happen, but he was quite certain it would not happen in his lifetime. He was sure there were too many obstacles to overcome before East and West Germany could unite and become one nation.
Less than two years later, the two nations became one Germany. I only hope he was still alive to see it.
How many times in the past year have you heard or even said yourself, "I never thought I would see anything like this!" I never thought I would see a global pandemic, people locked down in their homes, businesses closed, people dying by the hundreds of thousands (and millions globally). Yet here we are.
Yes, things we never thought could happen have happened. So why can't the unbelievable promises of God also be possible?
Why can't we beat our swords (and guns and bombs) into plowshares?
Why can't the lame walk, the deaf hear and the blind see (and the Covid-stricken live)?
Why can't we end poverty, hunger, abuse, neglect?
Why can't we love one another, forgive each other, value every person?
Why can't the kingdom of God be born among us in our lifetimes?
God's "new thing" is happening all around us, all the time. Sometimes it may be hard to "perceive," but like many unbelievable things (the Browns making the playoffs?) it continues to spring forth. The unbelievable happens all the time. Maybe it's time to believe.
I would also like to thank everyone for your prayers and concern as Brenna, Wendy and I have dealt with Covid over the holidays. We are all doing much better and greatly appreciate the support of our church families!
Worship This Week (No In-person worship)
Facebook Live, Sunday 10am
We will have a Renewal of Baptism. You may want to have a small bowl of water nearby.
Keep In Prayer:
Bonnie Smith, Harriett Ryerson, Alvin Shelley, Dee Kuhlman
Our shut-ins: Kate Shelley, Dot Ann Smith, Nora Smith, Helen Payne