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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin

Church Update May 28th

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

I hope you had a pleasant Memorial Day weekend. It seems the season of summer came upon us all at once. Isn't that usually the way.

As I hope you know, we are planning to resume worship at 9am on Sunday, June 7. Worship will be outside in our Peace Garden, or at least the parking area beside the Peace Garden. Please check out the plan I've attached. It will help everything go smoothly for everyone. Remember, the alley beside the church will be closed off.

Thank you to everyone who has mailed in their offering. We have managed to maintain a positive balance in our Current account, though barely. I have seen a slight decrease in the last couple of weeks. I imagine as this crisis goes on and people remain out of work that trend could continue. I ask that if you are able, please help us keep the ministry going. God has blessed us in so many ways. Let us be a blessing to others. Also, if you would prefer to give electronically (Venmo, Paypal are options), please let me know. I would like to make some form of e-giving possible.

If you haven't heard the community garden is planted! Along with radishes and our usual tomatoes, peppers and basil, this year we have also planted "asparagus beans." These beans grow very long and are good to eat, so I'm told. Sorry, no ground cherries this year.

Please let me know if there are any needs that we can address. And if you are in need in any way, please call me. I am grateful to everyone who has said the worship and devotions and contacts have been

meaningful in this time but somehow I wish I could do more. I truly look forward to the day we can be together again.

This summer we plan to paint the west wall of the education wing. It has

been about five years and could use freshening up. I have the paint and

some brushes but would like some volunteers. Perhaps a family would be

interested in making it a project for the church?? If you are interested

please let me know. Thanks.


Pastor Wayne

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