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  • Writer's pictureBenjamin

Church Update May 21st

"...for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples." (Isaiah 56:7)

Attached is a letter concerning resuming in-person worship which is tentatively slated for June 7. Please read it carefully and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. One of the main reasons I feel (somewhat) comfortable gathering again is because we do so outside. We have ordered a portable sound system to enhance our worship outside, especially as we will be spread out a little more than usual. I still encourage anyone who is at a high risk and certainly anyone who may be sick to please continue watching/reading the service at home. I will continue to either stream or upload the service on Facebook and make it available on our website.

If you plan to attend worship outside please let me know. It will help us be prepared for the number of people who show up. I won't hold you to it and there is no judgement. I am simply trying to plan for as many contingencies as possible. Just reply with a Yes and a number, such as "Yes - 2" meaning 2 people plan to attend.

The Non-Food Bank yesterday again went smoothly as a drive up service. We served 162 households between 9am and noon. I plan to do drive through again in June with the same hours. Thank you to our volunteers and everyone who donated for this month. Your generosity makes a difference.

Thank you, too, to everyone who continues to send their offering to the church. While we have seen a decline in giving, because of your generosity we are not in a financial crisis at this time. As we enter the summer months I do encourage you to please keep giving as you are able.

As we gather on June 7 the wagon will be outside for our Noisy Offering. It will go to our One Great Hour of Sharing special offering that got cut off in March.

I am also attaching two flyers I received. One is to sign up for the Imagination Library. This is a free program providing a new book every month to children in Ohio 5 and under. The other is for Census takers if you are interested.

I hope you are all well and have a good Memorial Day weekend. Join me for worship on Sunday morning at 10am on FB Live or whenever you are able. And may God bless you and keep you, today and always.


Pastor Wayne

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