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Church News May 4th

**From Our Members/Mission & Ministries** Keep In Prayer Marvin H Kate S Nora S Lorrie W Dot S Carol J Helen P Join us Sunday mornings on Facebook Live at 10am You can also watch on our new and improved webpage, The Heartland Conference (formerly Ohio Conference) recommends churches do not resume in-person worship until at least June. Please contact Pastor Wayne if you would like a printed copy of our weekly worship if you are unable to watch online. Worship Sponsors: April 26 – Becky Sparks, prayers for everyone to be safe May 3 – Open May 10 – Shane & Melissa Zehnder, in celebration of Layne’s 19th birthday May 17 – Scott Horn, in memory of Dan Mack May 24 – Open May 31 – In honor of Rev. Steve Trimble’s 45th anniversary of his ordination Wednesday Evening Check In You are welcome to join in on Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday evenings just for a half hour of fellowship and catching up. Email for the link. Monroeville UCC Facebook Kids Page Got kids who might enjoy a weekly children’s sermon? Want some resources for things to do while the children are stuck at home? This page is invite only so contact Pastor Wayne to be included in this resource during this time. The church extends sympathy to the family of Juanita Ries, who passed on April 22, 2020. Non-Food Bank “To ease the burden of poverty by providing basic household necessities and a word of hope to those in need.” In April we once again did our distribution as drive-up only and only from 9am to noon. Our five volunteers served 184 households, giving the same 8 items to each household. Once again, everyone was cooperative and very grateful for the help. The plan is to once again do drive-up from 9am to noon for May 20th. The items to be given is still to be determined. Hopefully in June we will be able to return closer to our normal process and give away more items to those in need. We have received several donations throughout the past months, including $500 each from St. Joseph & St. Alphonsus and a generous $2000 donation from the Wakeman Eagles Redcaps. These gifts will greatly help us as we continue to offer hope and help. Thank you to everyone who continues to support this ministry. No Council meeting in March, so no minutes Financial Report March 2020 Income Building $534 Christian Ed.

$0 Current $5823 Expenses Building $303 Christian Ed.

$0 Current $9178 Account Balances

American Legion $3025

Building $9343

Christian Ed. $1456

Current $-739

Local Mission $731

Memorials $3000

Non-Food Bank $6919

Youth Fell. $4755 Reserves American Funds (03/31) $43,739 Thank you to everyone who has continued to financially support the ministry of the church through this difficult time. Below is a summary of our March financial report. As of today, however, our finances look better than they did at the end of March. Our Current balance is close to $1550 and the NonFood Bank is also much improved. This is thanks to the generosity of so many who are looking to make a difference in these tough times. If you know of someone in need or a way the church can help our neighbors, please contact Pastor Wayne at the church office. Again, thank you for your support of the ministry of our church. We will get through this TOGETHER. A full financial report is available upon request. Come and join with us, To know God, To share God’s love, And to serve God together!

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