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  • Wayne Chasney

Christmas is just the beginning!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

Did you ever notice that John’s gospel begins with the same three words as the Book of Genesis? “In the beginning.” In Genesis, that “beginning” is the beginning of creation, back when “the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep.” Then, a wind from God, or the Spirit of God, swept over the waters and with a word – THE Word perhaps – God created.

Is it nothing but a coincidence that the author of the Gospel According to John chose to start with the same words, and the Word, and go on to say all things came into being through the Word? Probably not.

As the season of Advent reaches its climax on Christmas Eve and we light the Christ candle, we remember that what we celebrate is a new beginning. The birth of Jesus is God’s radical act of re-creating creation. Through this child, God is re-forming that which was once formed from a formless void. Jesus is the embodiment of God’s beloved community which will someday transform all the world.

Since this is a new beginning, rather than wait until January 1, we ought to make our “Christmas Resolutions” now. With Jesus’ birth, may we resolve to live by the values of God’s beloved community Jesus grew up to proclaim.

Let us strive to love our neighbor, forgive those who do us wrong, and show kindness and compassion toward all.

Let us put aside our prejudices, overcome our divisions, and treat others as we would want to be treated.

Let us live in peace, be filled with hope, and find joy in all we do.

And when you wake up on Christmas morning, remember that this day is the beginning – the beginning of God’s latest work of creating and recreating you, our world, and all of creation.

With the Christmas angels, let us sing, “Glory to God in the highest heaven.”

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