
Sep 24, 20202 min

September 22nd Weekly Meditation

Weekly Meditation
"On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate." (Psalm 145:4)

Today is the first day of fall, one of my four favorite seasons of the year. That's right, one of four. I find glory and splendor and God's wondrous works all year round.
There is nothing like a crisp, freshly fallen snow in winter. I love the feel of cold air filling my longs as my cross country skis glide across a field with crystals of snow sparkling like diamonds under a bright, shining sun.
Spring brings new life, with flowers peeking through the still-frosty ground and birds returning from their winter retreats. There is a wonderful smell to spring that I find difficult to describe and that no laundry detergent maker has yet copied, no matter what it says on the label. "Spring Fresh." Yeah, no.
Who doesn't love summer? Yes, I could do without the 90 degree days with high humidity, but the early morning sunlight makes waking up and getting moving so much easier, and evenings on the patio watching the sunset beyond the horizon are difficult to beat.
That brings me to fall. Chilly nights make for good sleeping while fresh apples make for awfully good eating. And soon we will be enjoying the changing colors of the leaves as nature begins its sabbath rest.
Yes, 2020 has been a challenging year so far. I certainly do not need to list the challenges for you. And it is so easy to get overwhelmed and depressed and exhausted by all of life's challenges, in this or any year. One antidote to those heavy feelings is to take the advice of the Psalm and meditate, ponder, reflect on the glorious splendor and wondrous works of God.
In spite of our challenges and our troubles there is still beauty and goodness and joy around us. We can see it in the seasons and the turning of the year; we can see it in others as we share good deeds and help a neighbor; we can see it in simple pleasures that we may take for granted if we fail to take the time to notice.
Seek and embrace the wondrous splendor of fall and all of God's glorious works that surround us. Let this be one of your four favorite seasons, too, for they are all a gift from God.

Worship This Week
Thursday, September 24, 6:30pm on the North Sidewalk
Sunday, September 27, 10am in the Peace Garden and on Facebook Live
This Week: A Map of Faith
If you choose to join us in person, please wear a mask and practice social distancing

On Sunday, October 4, we will return to our sanctuary for worship following safe practices as laid out by the State of Ohio and as recommended by the UCC. This includes requiring face coverings be worn. We will continue to live stream worship at 10am Sunday morning.

Faith Formation:
"Living the Heart of Christianity"
Mondays, 7pm via Zoom
This Weeks Topic: Faith
If you are interested, request the link

Keep In Prayer:
Don Long
Our shut-ins: Kate Shelley, Dot Ann Smith, Nora Smith, Helen Payne
